Friday, November 15, 2013

Speak Life

It's kind of funny to realize that the older you get, the less you know.  Learning is truly a journey, not a destination.  The other day my almost 3-year-old taught me another life lesson.  He is talking much more now and repeating what we say.  It catches my wife and I off guard.  We are especially noticing his use of what we call, adult phrases.  The other day he walked upstairs and noticed the lights were off.  Just a few weeks ago he would have said, turn on the light please.  But this time he said, "It sure is dark upstairs."  Where did he hear that?  One of us or another adult must have said it before.  It reminded us how careful we need to be around him to make sure he only repeats what we want him to.  

Then it hit me.  I am very concerned about my child learning and using kind and encouraging words.  But what about me?  Am I careful with my words?  Do I only use words that are kind and encouraging...even when my son isn't around?

The Bible has many references to the tongue.  God knows how easy it is to be hurtful.  That's why He felt the need to remind us over and over and over again.

Thankfully, we have some other help to.  Thanks toby!


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