Thursday, October 17, 2013

That's Impossible!

That's impossible!  Most of us have heard that before.  Maybe from a parent, a friend, a co-worker, a boss, etc.   That challenges some of us to work harder to make it happen, but others simply give up.  Before we get too crazy, we should point out that we can't do everything.   If you are small, you probably won't be an offensive lineman for a professional football team.   You might be on the team, but in another position.  So let's be realistic.  Sometimes we want to do something, but it doesn't necessarily fit our abilities or skill set.

However, you will likely have many people say, you can't, throughout your life.  Be careful to not let their words beat you down and discourage you.  But, also be listening to those with wisdom.  Those who can help us develop those abilities and skills we have been given.    Who can help?

First, start with the book of Proverbs.  Leadership expert John Maxwell challenges leaders to read one chapter of Proverbs each day for a month.  He says it will change your life.   That is what I have been doing for the past few days.  It is amazing what you can learn again for the first time when you read the Bible with a new perspective.

Oh, and since I am a hockey fan...and an Edmonton Oilers is a goal that helps us realize that it is never too late, even when it seems impossible.

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