Friday, May 1, 2015

The Simple Things

Every night before my son goes to bed, we read together.  He is 4 so we haven't gotten into any philosophy books just yet.  Instead we read about Lego, Thomas, Peppa Pig, Mater, and Lightning McQueen.   You might not recognize those names if you don't have young children, but they are a big deal in our house.

After we read, we pray.  Sometimes Aiden prays, and sometimes he asks me too.  Two nights ago it was my turn.  I started to pray, but unfortunately I have been battling a tickle in my throat for weeks so I coughed extensively just a few sentences into my prayer.  Thankfully I made it through and prayed for the usual (safety, good sleep, health, fun days, etc).  When I finished and said good night, Aiden said, dad, let me pray for your cough.

It's funny how it took a child to remind his dad of the obvious.  It was one of those situations where I couldn't see the forest through the trees.  As you spend time with God, don't look past the simple things in your life.  He cares about the big and little things.

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