Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas, The Season of Exhaustion?

Between the parties, shopping, cooking, decorating, travelling, and Christmas programs/services at church, this has to be one of the most exhausting times of the year.

I am not complaining.  All of those activities are what makes Christmas special.  But sometimes it feels like you run out of energy before Christmas even arrives.

Today I was listening to some Christmas music and all of a sudden it hit me.  The Christmas story is filled with stories of exhaustion.

Think about it...

The Wise Men...traveled
The Shepherds...traveled
Mary & Joseph...traveled

They all must have been exhausted.  I complain because I have to sit in a car for a couple of hours.  I can't imagine what it must of been like to travel a long distance over 2000 years ago.  Not to mention the lack of rest stops along the way and we know there was no luxury hotel.

But the best part of the story is that it was all worth it.  We celebrate the birth of our saviour.

So the next time you feel like this season isn't worth it.  Think about a star, a manger, and a baby that would change the world.

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