Friday, November 14, 2014

Left Behind

I'm not quite sure how, but I came across a couple of clips from the Left Behind movies online.  As hard as I try, I still have a tough time seeing Kirk Cameron in other roles.  Every time I see his face I think of this:

I also know that many have been critical of the Left Behind movie series.  Words like cheesy and lame always seem to be attached to Christian movies.  But as I watched a few of the clips, I think they served their purpose.  I started to reflect on how I live my life.  Do I really live with urgency knowing that our time is limited?  Anyone with kids will understand how time flies.  One day you're update that your child dropped the remote control on the floor and broke it.  Somehow they grew enough to reach it when you didn't think they could.  Next thing you know, they are asking you to change the channel.

It also made me think of 1 Peter 3:13, "...Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect"

I know it sounds like it should be a given, but I wonder how many of us can really explain what we believe.  I think it takes more than reading a few verses/day.  Imagine if medical school students only read their textbook for a few minutes/day, would you trust their diagnosis?

True understanding takes committed reading, study, and prayer.  Only God will truly help us comprehend what we read.  It is then that we will have the ability and confidence to share.

When I was a teenager a special speaker challenged the girls in the room with something different.  Look for a guy with a Bible that is worn with lots of notes.  That is likely a sign of a Godly man. I still remember that moment.  He also said, watch for guys in the parking lot after the service trying to run over their Bible with their car to make it look worn :)

So, you can imagine my surprise when I noticed Kirk Franklin's character (in Left Behind) showing the President his Bible (with lots of notes).

I'm guessing the special speaker was onto something.  This blog is not intended to discourage you if you have been reading a few minutes/verses each day or nothing at all.  Instead, I hope to challenge you as I am challenging myself.  Know your Bible inside out and see what He does in your life.

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