Friday, August 1, 2014

Even Oprah Knows

Can you finish the sentence?   It you want something done right, do it _____...that's right, "yourself."  So many of us buy into that philosophy.  Much of the time it works.  But after days, weeks, and even years of doing everything under your own strength, you just can't do it anymore.  

Believe it not, that's what God is waiting for.  The Bible challenges us to cast our cares on him.  I think most of us make the mistake of casting our cares only during a crisis.  Make no mistake, God is there during the crisis.  But I believe his true plan for our life is complete surrender.  Surrender is when we truly give up and let him lead...everything.

Even Oprah knows what it means to surrender.  It takes a few minutes to watch, but to hear her heart, is worth it.

Maybe it's time for you to sing a few lines of that old hymn.  

1 comment:

  1. thanks steve for sharing this! I love that hymn..."I surrender all" to Jesus Christ..
