Friday, May 2, 2014

The Book Of Answers

I don't know too many people who are not fans of the movie, Back To The Future.  Imagine how many kids in the 80's were inspired to play guitar because of this scene:

I along with the rest of the world was shocked when I learned that Michael J. Fox, star of Back To The Future and Family Ties, was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease back in 1991.  Everyone said the same thing at the time, "but he is so young."

Rather than disappear and deal with his struggles privately, Michael has been very public in his search to find a cure for the disease (  I'm sure he has had his share of difficult days.  In fact, I know he has.  But through it all, he still remains steadfast in his fight.

I honestly don't know what kind of relationship Michael has with God.  But I can only guess that as a married man with kids, he has called out to God for help, maybe in frustration or anger, at least a few times since the diagnosis.  I think all of us would do the same, or have done the same.

I am inspired by Michael's courage and determination, but also by his zest for life.  As we flip through the pages of the Bible we see stories of people who are sold out for God in spite of their circumstances.  David was forced to live in a cave because Saul was trying to kill him (I Samuel 24).  Job was tortured because he was blameless before God...that's crazy (Book of Job).  Paul was thrown in jail for sharing his faith (Acts 16).

I remember Geoff Moore sharing a family story with us on LIFE.  Whenever his boys would come to him with a problem, he would say, let's go to the Bible for the answers.  Because no matter what we go through in life, someone has gone through something similar before us and we can learn from them.

Michael J. Fox has to be one of the most courageous, determined, and passionate people around.  But you and I can be too, no matter what we are going through.  The most important thing to remember is, we are not alone.  Go to the book of answers.

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