Wednesday, January 22, 2014


As someone who grew up in Western Canada (mostly Saskatchewan), I seem to take pride in how I handle the cold weather.  I mean when temperatures drop below -30.

I am not talking about wind chills that make it feel like -30, but actual -30 and colder temperatures.

My claim to fame is my final year at the University of Saskatchewan.  The province set a record.  The daytime high didn't rise above -30 for 30 days.  30 days!!!  As you can imagine, the wind chill made it feel more like -50 during that time.  Frost bite can occur in less than a minute.  I remember running out to start my car every 2 hours to warm it up.  If I left it for the full day, it would not have started.

My point is to give a high five to anyone who understands the importance of  ice fog, pavement frost, block heaters, and how it feels to breathe in and feel your nostrils stick together because it is so cold.  And another high five to those who don't complain, but just call it winter and go about your day.   I am very impressed.

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