Monday, September 16, 2013

Unbelievable Voice

In my position, I get to listen to a lot of music.  Whenever you hear an album, mp3, etc you are hearing a song in its "perfect form."  If the producer is good, all of the imperfections are removed.  Sometimes, that means you can be very disappointed to see a live performance.  You hear the band mess up, the lights don't work, or the lead singer misses a few notes.  I'm not criticizing at all, I can't imagine how difficult it must be to be, "on," every night.

Maple Noise 2013 was Friday night at Timothy Christian School in Barrie.  Kevin Max is the new lead singer of Audio Adrenaline.  I was a DC Talk fan from back in the day and figured out that Kevin is an amazing vocalists.  He never misses a note.  So I was curious this time to see if he had lost anything over the years.  He lost nothing.  His range, dynamics, and presentation is unbelievable.  He also shared a bit of his testimony.  It sounds like God has been doing a real good work in his life.

If you couldn't make it, too bad.  Kevin and the rest of the band put on a fun show.  However, if you did miss it, it sounded just like this:

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