Friday, March 22, 2013


I'm sure that you've noticed that the older and older you get, the smarter your parents are.  As a teenager, nothing would have been further from the truth.  But as you get older, work a full time job, raise a family, you  find yourself calling your parents about what to do with sick kids, a leaky faucet, a car that makes strange noises, and maybe even questions about your spiritual life.  

The reason I bring this up is because the older you get, the less you seem to know.  When you're hit with that reality, it can be very easy to look at your life and feel discouraged and defeated.  The good news is that you're not alone.  Most of us feel that way at some point (at least once) in our adult life, including Matthew West.  His latest song is Hello My Name Is...and it is meant to provide that encouragement you need to know that you are not only meant to do great things, like your parents likely said, but that God will be there to encourage you too.  Need that shot of encouragement, listen to this:


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