Friday, January 25, 2013


So, I have never lived in Toronto but for some reason I know a lot about Mayor Rob Ford.  He made headlines around the world when he was removed from office for what was considered to be an abuse of power.  The mayor appealed the ruling and was allowed back in the mayor's office today.

Most of us have an opinion of what went on simply by what was reported, including me.  But as I saw the mayor with a huge look of relief on his face today, I thought of 1 Timothy 2:1-4:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

As the decision was I made, I realized how little I had prayed for Rob Ford.  Even though I saw his face in the news over and over again, his name was rarely said in my prayers.

Then I started to think about my mayor, and provincial and federal leaders, and the prime minister.  How often do I pray for them?

Maybe you pray for government leaders daily.  If you do, I'm sure they appreciate it.

If you are like me and forgot, good news, we can start today.  Pray today, in fact pray now.


Friday, January 18, 2013

NHL - Do I Care

After a lengthy lockout that lasted from September to early January, the NHL will kick off a shorter regular season tomorrow.  Ever since I was a youngster, I have watched and looked forward to a new NHL season.  In those early years, I couldn't wait to watch Wayne Gretzky and the Edmonton Oilers try to win yet another Stanley Cup.

As you get older and assume more responsibility, you get more protective of your free time.  The media kept suggesting in the summer, "if the NHL and NHL Players don't get a deal done early this time, they risk an apathetic response from lifelong fans that would be very dangerous."

I thought, c'mon, hockey fans will always come back in Canada.

So, here I am on the eve of the new NHL hockey season, and I realize that hockey will not be a priority for me tomorrow.  I may watch, I may not.  Can you believe it, I have become apathetic.

Was the lockout worth it for the league and players, only time will tell?

I am very happy that those people who work at the rink and sell the popcorn will have their jobs back.

Oh, for old times sake, look at this video of Glen Anderson of the Edmonton Oilers scoring a goal to help the team with the Stanley Cup.  If you don't want to watch the entire video, start watching from 5:12.  Do you think fans will get that excited this year about hockey?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Sometimes You Just Need To Smile

There's enough in everyday life that can bring you down.  Sickness, car and house repair bills, problems at your job, no job.  Sometimes it takes more time that you want to figure these things out.  I think that's why videos exist.  Some are entertainment.  Some are informational, and some just make you smile.  I have very few videos saved, but this is one I keep going back to because it always makes me smile:

Sunday, January 6, 2013


I can't believe how many people have had a cold or the flu over the last couple of months.  I don't know a family who has not been effected this year.

The cold/flu talk always brings out the unique remedies.  When the doctor says, "you just have to fight it off," you start looking for anything that might help. 

Here are a few suggestions.   I was a pre-med student in University at one time, but then again wasn't everybody :)  I am by no means a doctor, but if you've had the cold for a few days/weeks, you'll try anything right?

My favourite is number 3.  Who knew there was a right way to blow your nose!
