So who's right? Obviously some people love the snow, while others may not. Was God punishing me or blessing the guy who shovels snow for a living?
I'm not sure anyone will be able to give me the correct answer. It is a silly example I know, but there are other more serious examples too. Why does God heal some and not others? Why are some blessed financially and others struggle? They both love God, serve faithfully, and are big givers (of finances and their time).
In Sunday School I was told that some questions will not be answered until heaven. If that's the case, I am going to have A LOT of questions. Honestly, it also leaves me frustrated. I find myself asking why a lot more. Maybe it is because I just read the story of Jacob wrestling with God (Genesis 32 I think). He would not stop wrestling until God blessed him.
Maybe I'm not stubborn enough. Maybe I'm too much of a wimp. Jacob was willing to have his hip dislocated to receive God's blessing. Maybe, being restless is part of our growing relationship with God. Maybe without the frustration, the hard work, and the pain, we can't be ready for what God has in store.
I usually have a theme song that carries me through each season in my life. Right now, it's Switchfoot - Restless. Every time I hear it, it reminds me to not look at the problem or pain, but to "wrestle" with God. My blessing could be right around the corner.